Havre de Grace Chiropractic Center: Drs. Campanella & Olivacz

(410) 939-4488

North Park Chiropractic Center: Drs. Campanella & Olivacz

(410) 893-8339

When you are in an auto accident, it is important to get the medical care you need to determine if you have suffered an auto accident injury. Once you have established any issues, understand that a chiropractor in Havre De Grace can have a positive impact on your recovery. At North Park Chiropractic, we are an auto injury chiropractor that will help you heal from your injuries.

Assessing Your Auto Accident Injury

When you meet with a chiropractor after an auto accident, you will go through an evaluation to figure out what your specific injuries are. You might discuss the accident, and discuss your medical history. The chiropractor may measure a range of motion, discuss your level of pain, and order imaging if necessary to figure out what is going on. Once your injuries are established, a treatment plan will be created that is specific to your needs.

Treatment For An Auto Accident Injury

Treatment from a chiropractor will depend on what your specific injuries are. Your spinal alignment will be adjusted, and other treatments can include hot or cold therapy, stretching, decompression techniques, or ultrasound. You can expect to have treatment two to three times a week in the first few weeks of treatment for maximum benefit. As you progress in treatment, you will start to decrease the number of weekly visits. Eventually, you will see the chiropractor once a month for maintenance therapy.

Schedule Your Chiropractor in Bel Air MD Today

If you are dealing with an auto accident injury, a chiropractor in Havre De Grace, MD can help. Contact North Park Chiropractic today at (410) 893-8339 and start working with a chiropractor to heal from your auto accident. You can improve your healing time with the right support in place.

chiropractic spine


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