Havre de Grace Chiropractic Center: Drs. Campanella & Olivacz

(410) 939-4488

North Park Chiropractic Center: Drs. Campanella & Olivacz

(410) 893-8339

You have a sciatic nerve that runs from your lower back to the legs, which controls muscles in the lower legs and provides sensation to the lower extremities. When this nerve is irritated or damaged, you may experience pain that travels along the sciatic nerve path. This pain can be mild or excruciating and can diminish your quality of life. Chiropractic care from North Park Chiropractic of Bel Air, MD can help manage sciatica pain for a pain-free lifestyle.

Symptoms of Sciatica Pain

Pain that radiates from the back to the back of one of your legs through the buttocks is the classic symptom of sciatica pain. Other symptoms of sciatica include:

  • Numbness on the affected leg
  • Leg pain that worsens when you stand, cough, or sneeze
  • Tingling sensation in your feet and toes
  • Muscle weakness

If you experience sciatica symptoms, don’t delay treatment. Instead, book an appointment with a chiropractor, and your pain-free days will be around the corner.

Causes of Sciatica

Anything that damages or irritates the sciatic nerve is likely to cause sciatica pain. Disc herniation is a common trigger for sciatica. It occurs when the softer tissue of the disc ruptures, causing the disc to impinge on the sciatic nerve. The other risk factors for sciatica include:

  • Unhealthy weight
  • Sedentary life
  • Pregnancy
  • Age
  • Diabetes since it causes nerve damage

While exercises and proper posture may help combat sciatic nerve pain, you need the help of a chiropractor to overcome sciatica pain.

How Chiropractors Treat Sciatica

When you visit a chiropractor, don’t expect drugs or surgery to treat your pain. We use natural remedies to manage your pain. These include:

Spinal manipulation: Aligning your spinal joints alleviates pressure on the sciatic nerve, reducing low back pain. We may use a hands-on approach or a traction table to reposition your misaligned vertebrae joints.

Massage therapy: This therapy soothes your back and leg muscles to alleviate sciatica pain.

Stretching exercises: Chiropractic exercises reduce pain and add resilience to your muscles to avoid future injuries.

Sciatica Solutions With Our Skilled Chiropractor

Tired of living with sciatica pain? Call 410-893-8339 for an appointment with chiropractic care from North Park Chiropractic for sciatica treatment. As your preferred chiropractor in Bel Air, MD, visit us today, and your painful days will be a thing of the past.

chiropractic spine


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