Havre de Grace Chiropractic Center: Drs. Campanella & Olivacz

(410) 939-4488

North Park Chiropractic Center: Drs. Campanella & Olivacz

(410) 893-8339

Golf is an amazing sport and hobby for residents of Bel Air and Havre de Grace. At the Chiropractic Centers of Drs. Campanella & Olivacz, we provide chiropractic care for athletes, including golfers. We have many patients who are golfers and love to come in for regular treatment. Here are some of the benefits of receiving chiropractic care if you are a golfer.

Injury Prevention

Golf may seem like a tame sport, but you are at risk of injuries such as golfer's wrist, carpal tunnel, ankle pain, foot pain, and plantar fasciitis. Routine adjustments can help the nervous system operate effectively and move joints with ease. We will also show you different stretches to incorporate before you hit the green to prevent injuries.

How Chiropractic Treatment Benefits Golfers

Chiropractic care helps with pain reduction and injury prevention, but it also improves your game. A flexible spine is needed to make an accurate and powerful swing. We will provide an individualized treatment plan to help you improve your posture and swing without risking injury. This includes all areas of the swing, including the backswing, transition, follow-through, and downswing.

Taking the Game to Another Level

Many golfers seek a holistic option to improve their golf game. Chiropractic care is an excellent option to consider without relying on addictive drugs with nasty side effects. With increased mobility and less pain, you will be able to improve your skills in no time.

Contact the Chiropractic Centers of Drs. Campanella & Olivacz in Bel Air for Chiropractic Care

At the Chiropractic Centers of Drs. Campanella & Olivacz, we love helping golfers get back in the game. We understand the strain that golf can put on the body and have the skills and expertise to get you feeling like yourself again. We are sports chiropractic professionals dedicated to your improvement. Contact our office today to book your appointment with a chiropractor.

chiropractic spine


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