Havre de Grace Chiropractic Center: Drs. Campanella & Olivacz

(410) 939-4488

North Park Chiropractic Center: Drs. Campanella & Olivacz

(410) 893-8339

Running is a common-practiced exercise because it can be done anywhere, but there is usually a sports injury risk with any kind of exercise. The Chiropractic Centers of Drs Campenella & Olivacz in Havre De Grace and Bel Air, MD, can help treat these running pains. Here are the most common running pains sports chiropractic teams experience.

Runner’s Knee

A runner’s knee is an injury from genetics, bad self-care, or lack of awareness of surroundings. This injury is identified by pain in the patella region of the knee that spreads to the femur. The treatment frequently includes cold packs, compression knee wraps, and exercises to help stretch and strengthen your knee while it heals.

Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles tendinitis results from an overexertion of the Achilles tendon. Our chiropractor can identify it by stiffness or pain in the Achilles’ tendon and swelling and sharp pain reactions when using the leg with pressure. Generic treatment involves ice, pain medicines, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and sports chiropractic therapy.

Shin Splints 

Shin splints are another running pain resulting from changes in one’s workout. It involves pain in the tibia bone. Treatment requires rest, active icing, and balancing all parts of one’s body in guided exercises. Arch support and better quality shoes help and are usually spine and sport chiropractic recommendations.

Muscle Pain

Hamstring pain or related small tears are especially common, because the muscle is actively used while running without sufficient stretching and rest. Despite the intense pain that could result from a hamstring injury, a good amount of rest and pain relievers can get one back on their feet if it is not a serious case in a few weeks. However, in the worst-case scenario, surgery may be needed for reattachment.

Muscle cramps occur during or after a run. The pain is short and frequently occurs in the calf. Repair and prevention are achieved by stretching exercises directed by a sports injury chiropractor and consuming lots of mineral-rich fluids.

The Chiropractic Centers of Drs Campenella & Olivacz Can Help

The Chiropractic Centers of Drs Campenella & Olivacz in Havre De Grace and Bel Air, MD, regularly handle sports injury chiropractor services for patients. As a sports chiropractor near me, our team provides advanced care for spine and sport chiropractic injuries. We're here to help you. Call us at Bel Air (410) 893-8339 or Havre De Grace (410) 939-4488 to schedule an appointment today!

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